
Dec 04, 2009 02:16

A couple of bloggers who had tenuous (if any) ties to the right side of the aisle have decided to (again) publicly flounce to the left. One is the person behind Little Green Footballs, who has apparently been channeling Keith Olbermann of late. (Lew Rockwell and Alex Jones part of the "right"? Seriously?) Even worse is the references to "climate change denial". Wow, talk about bad timing! The other person is apparently going to make "breaking" from the right an annual event: Andrew Sullivan. (Who still buys into the global warming scam and thinks criticizing Bush era deficits as "exploding" the debt while attempting to cover for Obama is rational.)

Gosh, I don't know what to say but to recognize that you moving (further) to the left increases the collective IQs of both sides of the aisle. Bon Voyage!

hypocrisy, ideology

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