In this case it was
a non-partisan affair where Senator McCain was part of a program honoring veterans at an NFL game.
The argument presented by a partisan Democrat political operative was that since John McCain was in a political race any time he spoke should be considered a political event and anyone sponsoring the event should be charged with an "in kind" contribution.
That position is of course ludicrous. Applying the same standard to President Obama would mean that every time he spoke from now until he retired would have to be considered an "in kind" political event whether he spoke about politics or whether the event was politically oriented.
What is clear, however, that this is merely one item in a pattern of harassment of Republican politicians, most notably against
Sarah Palin.
The goal is clear: to cause such a massive backlog of "ethical" complaints that the politicians spend all their time and money debunking the charges and in the mean time the Democrats will attempt to portray Republicans as "ethically challenged" because of all the complaints lodged. (!)
I've come to expect this kind of tactic from the left. It is, after all, a modern day extension of the bullying tactics they used to use against minorities to keep them "in their place" despite the numerous
civil rights laws passed by Republicans in Congress, often over the filibustering objections of Democrats.
It is just another reminder that we can't take our freedoms for granted!