Apr 22, 2006 15:20
Also, Matt and I went out walking last night and there were bogans everywhere. Someone threw and egg from a car and it exploded on my arm. (Yay, egg the vegan). I swore and stamped, and there were these older women in the car beside me with their window open and I looked at them and said, "Oh... sorry." And they said, "No, that's ok, they got some on us too." And then we were walking down the road with egg congealing on my arm, and we walked past these two people, and they smiled and said, "Hey! How are you?" and I said, "I'm fantastic!" Because I meant it, and I was. And then I remembered there was egg congealing on my arm, and I thought, so, nobody can get me down if I don't want to be down. :D If I ever meet whoever did it I want to leap up, put my feet on their back and my hands on their neck and head and tear their ear off with my teeth.