Jun 29, 2010 23:36
[ Obviously, John is unsatisfied with his current situation. He woke up in someone else's house, beside some woman he'd never seen before, in clothes that weren't his. Marston's wide collection of guns was nowhere to be found, nor was any other belonging he remembered having while headed to Chuparosa with De Santa. Even his hat was nowhere to be seen.
And, to be frank, he knows he doesn't believe the weirdo on the phone who told him they were taken from other worlds and are trapped in this town and the milk is going to fucking end him or whatever else. If he wants out, he'll get out. And he won't need the help of any nutty locals, either.
Donning a wifebeater and a pair of boxors, trying his very best to ignore his clean and trim surroundings, he steps out to the sidewalk and draws one hand up to his mouth. He places his forefinger and his thumb against his lower teeth, and whistles a single note - short and shrill - for his steed. John waits. Looks around. He keeps an ear perked for hoofbeats, but is only met with silence. Irritation creeps up his throat.
Well, fine. He'll just.
Walk himself out, is all. ]
((Johnny here's just walking down Partridge in a straight line. This is the perfect escape plan nothing can go wrong.
There's a chance he'll pass your house on his straight-line journey, so feel free to bug him!))
751 partridge drive,
hate this place