I went to the Boston Common Lowes on Saturday to find out if I was the Ultimate Film Fanatic! Turns out I'm not, or at least I didn't stick around to find out if I was, since I think I would have shot something in the face if I heard the "Thank you for coming to Lowes" song one more time.
Another chill week, today being one of the chilliest and least eventful so far. As on so many other quiet days, I turn my mind to profound, introspective reflection...
According to the SelectSmart.com Belief System Selector, my #1 belief match is Bahá'í Faith . What do you believe? Visit
SelectSmart.com/RELIGION Oddly, closely followed by Christo-Centric Quaker and Reform Jew.
In addition,
My #1 result for the SelectSmart.com selector, Failed 80s Child Stars, is Anthony Michael Hall
APparently I have not done enough drugs to be Corey Feldman, but being Anthony Michael Hall isn't a bad deal at all. Do you even count as a failed 80s child star if you now have your own drama series on USA?
www.space-debris.com/ sci_AMHall_DeadZone.jpg
(Check out my pimp cane.)