Originally published at
Real Euphoria. Please leave any
comments there.
I read a post by
Eddie today about his changing attitude towards straight guys and homophobia and I thought I would add my two cents worth.
Eddie was talking about how he has always been apprehensive towards straight guys because of past experiences. He also mentioned that he was out with some straight boys and had a great time. He is right in the fact that there is less homophobia out there at least with younger guys.
Personally I’ve never had any bad experiences with straight guys with all that I come across just accepting of me as a person. At the same time there have been a couple of straight guys that were a bit homophobic however didn’t show it. I think that’s a lot more common to with straight guys having the respect to not let their own issues or beliefs influence their interaction with me.
I do think that in general people are more accepting and those who don’t just don’t show it which is fair. My own experience is a positive one and I believe those that will cause problems are in the minority. One of the statements Eddie made was that his boyfriends little brother stated “Everyone’s gay these days - it’s cool to be gay or bi”. I’ve started to see this trend with people and I’ve not sure whether it’s a good thing or not.
Ok, it’s great for the predatory gay’s out there because it gives them more choice but it does confuse issues a lot. It does seem that guys are more willing to have gay sex nowadays whether it’s to prove they are cool or whether they are just curious. I’m not sure I like gay becoming cool because it seems to slightly diminish the work that has been done and makes gay seem more like a choice, which it’s not for most. It does remind me on a post I wanted to write on what is gay? I will write that post shortly so stay tuned.