Well, it's official. I'm going to have a story published in an anthology in 2006.
I think I mentioned it earlier in the year, before all the shit hit the fan with my family. I'm a member of a writers' group. This group writes stories featuring women with dress sizes 10 and up as the 'heroine' and there are a number of multi-published writers in the group. I was originally going to be submitting two stories for two different anthologies that were going to be put together. The first one was a 'faerie tale' anthology and the second was a 'paranormal' anthology. The paranormal story I was working on was shelved due to all the crap going on in real life, but I'd completed the first draft of my faerie tale story and it was submitted for the very long and involved editing process. The objective of the anthology group is to get all the stories submitted to the publisher for consideration to a stage where they will either be accepted or declined for inclusion in the anthology. The publisher has final say and we went through five drafts to get the stories ready for her to read.
One of the conditions for being accepted for consideration was that you had to help the other authors get their drafts written and re-written for submission too. I edited and proofed about 7 different stories, and in the final draft, I was a line editor. There were a lot of great stories written for the faerie tale anthology and only four were chosen out of the thirteen that made it to the final stage where they were ready for the publisher to look at It shocked me because they were all such great stories and beautifully written too. There may be a second anthology if the first one is well received. There will be a fifth story in the anthology, a round robin effort by the whole group. It's being written right now, but hasn't gotten to me yet.
I've had my work published before, but never for a wage and never in a paperback. I used to write the religion and lore columns for The Minstrel, the pagan/new age magazine based out of Winnipeg (a friend of mine is the owner and publisher)and some of my articles were picked up and reprinted by other pagan/new age magazines around the world. Apart from that, the only other writing I've shared is my fanfiction.
The story is 15,000 words long (approx) and is a modern re-telling of an old Irish faerie tale. The roles of male and female have been reversed with the female doing the rescuing and heroics, though, as the anthology is a new take on old faerie tales, twisted so the main character is a BBW. I'll also be publishing under a pen name; my mother's maiden name, Kate Devlin.
Next bit of publishing news.
My ex-husband had his first novel published earlier this fall. It's a crime novel, set in Winnipeg (mentions other parts of Canada) and he's been asked to write a second story using the same protagonist. It's called An Ordinary Decent Criminal and you can see it here on the Chapters Website
http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/item.asp?Item=978088801313&Catalog=Books&Ntt=Ordinary+Decent+Criminal&N=35&Lang=en&Section=books&zxac=1 And last, but not least, behind the link below, you'll find my latest piece of work. It's Firefly fanart. I love that series, it should never have been cancelled, but at least we got a movie out of it. ^_^ The fanart is of River and Jayne and it's called