Oct 15, 2004 16:48
Day 2: Wednesday
So the day begins like all of our days while in Europe...EXTREMELY LATE. High Life, Robert, and I wake up around the same time, which turns out to be around 2 pm during the day (but if you look at it from the standpoint of Eastern standard time, we waked up at 8am which makes us all happy.) I am introduced to a new grocery product called Nutella. Get that dirty thought out of your head...oh wait, that's just me. Nutella is like a chocolate spread that you put on toast. The idea at first was not appealing to me in the least until I got a taste and engulfed my entire European sandwich faster than a Jenny Craig bender at the local Sizzler. It was SOOO good! It was like an orgasmin my mouth! Scratch that. It was tasty. So after our pallettes were full and our munchies had subsided, we ventured off to the heart of Amsterdam, home of the Reefer-Crazed, Pot-Addicted, Hemp Lovers of the World. The Mecca for the Stoned Society.