Dec 27, 2007 10:51
im falling falling falling faster. good song. snow is everywhere!!!! im lovin the winter wonderland. we were on the news the other day. :) in bangor with out any ( what the man calls ) official sleds during one of the biggest snow storms or the year.... noway was that gunna be passed up. gelly grabbed a trashcan and i found a shovel and on the 5 o clock news we were interviewed for our unique sleds and sliding techniques followed by a stellar clip of us zooming past all else who were sledding. why am i looked as such a freak? i believe jealousy and lack of imagintaion play a key role in the lack of development in children of our era. yup the man can take that and put it where it dont shine MWAHAHAHA ( it would be nice to know if anyone acctually reads this any more ) peace luvin hippie stuff :/