Mar 21, 2011 17:29


It started as an amazing show. It had fresh faces, talented performers, funny storylines.
Now is all about the guest stars, the sexual-confusion and bad-hip songs.

I feel like I barely care and/or like any of the characters. Instead of letting us know more about them, we get full episodes focusing on guest stars. I love what Paltrow did, she has charisma and is a good singer, but all Mike and Tina ever do is share Asian kisses, it's ridiculous. It's not that I particularly want to see more of them, but if you make a show with a big cast, then you need to be able to give ALL of them their space.

Don't get me started on the ridiculous amount of time spent on Rachel's AWFUL song for the Regionals. I am a cheeseball, who basically listens to pop, pop/rock songs and even I thought Rachel's song was horrible -I have no idea what the media said about it, I should Google!-.
It wasn't just that the song sucked, it was that Will spent the episode telling the other members that their songs weren't good enough because they didn't feel *epic.* I hate Mercedes but I can honestly say that her "Hell to the No" was a better choice... Rachel's was super repetitive, boring and -as per usual- was only sang by her.
If they had at least done "Loser Like Me" complete -which was actually good and a nice wink to the viewers- and cut hers...

And while I am all for homosexual rights, I think the show is just using said theme to create buzz, and it's way past the point of actually caring about what they do with it and how they show it.
Before, Kurt's sexuality was treated right but it got to a point where everything turned around it and it bugged me. Now we have him and Blaine totally apart from McKinley and it
The Warblers and their scenes always feel like the writers said "oh, and we got those two characters... they should sing something this week" and they throw them a lame storyline and leave it there.

Darren is amazing, I love him, so make him change schools to be with Kurt in McK because I wanna keep him. I do think he was given a ridiculous amount of songs though. He is credited as guest star, so I really don't get it. I think TPTB feel that, because people loved his character, they needed to have him singing song after song and milk it for all its worth, but it ends up being another case of "let's give the guest stars the spotlight and the regulars can sway like puppets on the background."

Santana and Brittany always had a thing going but I think the way they brought it up all of a sudden was lame. Even if they are touching on a subject that's not new to us, it's upsetting that there's not a real build-up. I wish we hadn't see Santana so determined to have something with Sam but without the slightest hint of her actually wanting Brittany.
Once again, I imagine TPTB remembering about B/S and thinking they could use that story again but they ended up enclosing it on one episode, which happened to turn around Miss Holliday so it ended up cheapening the B/S. Why on Earth would they want her to sing with them other than to give Paltrow more songs to perform?

Gossip Girl

I have no idea what's gonna happen with Dair, but I'm gonna pretend that I trust TPTB to continue the remarkable job they've done so far. 
I really think the media and fan reaction and attention could help make of Dair another Suliet. With so much support and buzz they do have a chance, there's not another storyline in the whole worldshow anyone cares about and for what TPTB said about Dair, they are obviously important for them.

I really, REALLY want to see Serena doing something other than chasing a guy and getting into trouble. The character's actions are always driven by stupid motives, and it's gotten to a point where it's simply idiotic of her. I wish she would find some sort of job, calling, hobby or something that doesn't wear pants. Not only that, but I think I remember a time when Serena was likeable... maybe I was just dreaming.

I think Blake is done with it, she doesn't even try it, and considering what most of the cast has said lately, everyone seems to feel the same way. Everyone BUT Penn and Leighton, because they were given a great story to work with. So why can't TPTB handle the other three main characters well? It's really always going to be a big mistery to me.

As far as Nate goes, he and Raina are okay, but it won't last... it never does. That's another thing that's stupid: as a show that presents guests stars so regularly, the viewers expect said guests to be, well, guests so we all know at one point or the other they will leave. If we know that TPTB aren't investing much on such storylines for that reason, how can we care about them?

And Chuck... he could die for all I care. He used to be a complex character, now he's the guy who whored Blair out... I don't even want to try to like him. I had hated what he did to Jenny on the Pilot but he was interesting to watch.
Now all he talks is his damn company and I'm SO tired of it... I bet Ed hates that! 
I liked his interactions with Eve this season but just thinking of it makes me more frustrated and anti-Chuck. Why was he hooking up with a girl he barely knew and treating her like a princess when a few years ago he had trouble voicing his feelings and had just WHORED his GF for a fucking hotel? (Quite funny that Eva was actually a whore...)
I don't think it makes sense. Yes, he may have opened up after Blair practically begged him to but to be able to be like that with Eve AND Raina? He was almost declaring his undying love and he barely knew them, but he couldn't tell Blair he loved her? Too many character inconsistencies that feed the fire...

I don't want Chuck and Blair to ever get together because then I would end up hating both of them. I seriously could not believe Blair whenever she mentioned Chuck these past few episodes... 
GIRL: HE WHORED YOU!!! What part of that is forgivable and forgettable?? Not only that, but he hooked up twice ever since that time -without including Jenny- and you suffer for it?? You actually hope to go back to him????
Honestly... TPTB should have never go there if they were ever planning on reuniting them. If they ever try to go there, I will lose respect for Blair.

It also bugs the hell out of me whenever they say "if they are meant to be together, they'll find a way back to each other." It makes me think of the Dawson's Creek finale.
Joey tells Pacey that she'd been runing and that he can't let her off the hook because she might the impression that it's okay to keep running. *jears*
Get it, people?
She didn't want to run anymore, in order to reach love you have to seek it, fight for it, it wont' happen just because it's meant to be -Dawson said the same at times, LOL, look where that got him-. I feel like Chuck and Blair are so wrong to think that it could ever work if they don't even want to try to make it work in the first place.

gossip girl: dair, glee, gossip girl: reviews, glee: reviews, tv series, dawson's creek, gossip girl, dawson's creek: pacey & joey

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