After a wild weekend of LUEY in Houston[waving at
goofycubb and missed ya
wooferstl], I've made it to March and about 24 days of vacation with friends from Texas and Europe.
At the moment, I'm at the United Club at Newark waiting on Stefan and Manfred to wind their way through customs and immigration after their flight from Munich. I'm kind of excited to be having a weekend in NYC with them, and quite honestly a bit overwhelmed; I've only been here on business, so have no idea how to do the tourist thing there! We've got books though, and one of my friends that lives here will help out a bit. We're at a hotel near Bryant park that should have enough room for 3 boys. Sunday we'll head back to Texas together for more tourism there.
Not much has changed on the house, other than we've taken on a roommate who is also a friend. Kind of like Murphy Brown had Eldon, we've got 'Bill' now, who's paying his room and board by installing mouldings, painting, doing dishes, etc. The arrangement should work fine.
While I'm here in NYC, another friend from London is landing in DFW, and he'll join us in Austin on Sunday. Chaz is going to meet Richard in Fort Worth after he does the gay rodeo school on Friday. He's going to learn calf roping, chute dogging, steer decorating, and do the Jr bulls. It's going to be a fun month!