I scraped up my palm last night.
It still stings.
So hawaii was beautiful.
I ate more pineapple beyond belief and i have some pics that I'm too lazy to post, and to be honest you've probably already seen.
My parents advised me about my "first" pina colada that "in twenty or thirty minutes i might start feeling a bit... strange, but not to worry." yea. well thanks mom and dad.
Raquel and Ruben: I have your souveniers still. Remind me.
I charged a $31.89 phone bill for a 22 minute collect call from Alaska.
I went skinny dipping and slept in a lawn chair.
Oh and I quit my job.
Yea fuck you Oak Hills Country Club.
And my $7 an hour.
By the way I'll be in to pick up my check, say, tuesday?
Fucking CHILL.
My face is all peely. No doubt I have skin cancer.
"You're like... a negro now." - J
The last few days of summer were incredible.
I forgot to go school shopping.
I wrote a 22 page Dialectic notebook out of bullshit from sparknotes in a total of 13 hours over two days.
Friday I dropped photo so i finally have a period off.
I've never found anything better in my cup holder at 6am.
ditto. k nite.