Dec 27, 2004 15:11
yea well things havnt been goin my way but since when do they .. aww well ..
i finally talked to my ana baby today . nd guess waht!!! we r goin to mt peters or something for night snowboarding!! omg im soo freaken excited u hav no idea hehe .. then on sunday my daddy si takin us to mtn. creek .. holy shit i wanna freaken go im SO EXCITED! as me nd ana wud say hahah that was great time
well today nothing speical i sat nd watched movies lal day .. haha nd me nd my bro took my dog outside nd bounced around iwht ehr in the snow omg shes adorable .. ne who .. yea me nd my bro watched .. harry poter nd the prisoner of azkaban .. soul plane .. (whatta funny ass movie) .. nd shrek .. nd i kno u r tihnkin wow only 3 movies .. but harry potter is a long as movie lol
ne ways im just chillen around otngiht packin for wed. nd tomarrow shud b mucho fun me nd ana r gonna figure somethin out .. alright well im off .. ttyl bye