May 15, 2005 11:39
Summer good times officially started April 26, 2005.
Realistically, it is simply spring, but the fact that school ended for a brief moment, indicates that the summer is here. I cruised out of Jacksonville for two weeks of miscellaneous work, friends, lovers, and drinking. At the very end of my stay in Cocoa Beach, there were waves to increase my levels of the ever-slipping sanity. When I arrived in my the home town, Mr. Milon was kind enough to let me make his home my home. I fucked up somewhere along the line, and my previous two stikes against me left him no option but to ask me to leave. Understanding and fully cooperating, I succumbed to Colonial Drive. I had some many adventures while breaking from college, but my college drinking habits never faltered.
First time wake skating, barnacles on arm destruction, plenty of beers, back yard metal breakdowns, John's trailer, first CB sunsets, Bryan randomly contacting me via Amanda via payphone, sleep overs, and early morning curses.
Cocoa trails, new phone pick-up, more wake surfing, stalking with Amanda, Ashley's evening, and Dave's night time Goodfellas.
There was a 21st birthday celebration for Ross at Dave Morgan's.
My keg at Fern Street beach, which later moved to Mike Mandler's for plenty of flip cup. Then, the hot tub at Ashely's where everyone witnessed a Bryan Harvey/Rhonda Jones show.
(HIGHLLIGHT: Teaching Dave Awbrey how to play flip cup)
Jam at Sketchy Kyle's and Miranda's.
(HIGHLIGHT: Rapping with FK and smoking 8th graders pot)
Schuch's garage and then to Rollings college to never find Brunner.
Shopping with Tina, and Jesse Torres 19th birthday dinner at Grills with everyone.
Visited Haliegh in Cocoa and then went to Bryan's in Rockledge - Kisses, hot tub, bed, and drive.
Cinco De Mayo dinner with Dana, Rachel, and Beeler.
Cinco De Mayo party at Dempsey with Brett and Reid - Finished a bottle of Cuervo and headed to Satilite for a parentally supervised party.
Dugan's newly revamped house, a potential fight, Mandler's throw down.
(HIGHLIGHTS: Rachie, Brunner beer pour and punches, hitting on randoms, family time)
The beach and surfing, rollerblading and skating, wake surfing and toking with Ashley and Bryan.
Mother's Day surf all day with lobster dinner, and post-dinner smoke out at Kyle's... Skated the new park by myself, colored, and moved all my shit with the truck.
Conversating and shotgunning at the Pickle's new residence.
Man, each of these sentences is a day and thus can never be summed with just simple phrasing.
I swear life is so beautiful - look at everything you can make happen and just how exciting things can be.
I searched for the excitment though, so I mean - seek and you shall find?
Any event, I wrote this for myself, to serve as a reminder of the good times I have every breathing moment.
My grandparents must think I do coke or something, because ever morning I would wake before 9 and work for my aunt at least a little, and then I would shower, not be seen until 7-8, then I would go back out and come home at 2am at the earliest. Thank god I don't do coke - or I might end up looking like one of my old best-friends... Can you say TRAIN WRECK?!! A whole other issue.
I got a Toyota Tacoma truck with Xtended can and it's 4x4.
I want to get nice tires and it is going in for tint this week.
I am coming home this Thursday to pick it up and watch gradutation!!
Much love to everyone who helps me learn, live, and love.
Plenty of you (not just the livejournal people, just thinking/writing alound) are such inspirations.
Please, continue the rise to greatness, as I know I will.