(no subject)

Oct 18, 2005 00:01

time for an honest, to goodness, update. shocking i know. im about as amazed as you gentle reader. things have gone extremely good, or really shitty depending on your point of view.

let's run down the list...

Shameless Place's show at George's was a huge success! The guys played for about 4 hours and didn't miss a beat the entire time. Now they are going to be heading into the studio with Chris over at Studio One to work on the new record. After that its time to switch into ultra-promo-mode. Don't tell the guys, but I am going to take out a full page ad in one, if not all three of the local papers. Should totally make for some interesting promotion.

Credit Management Control has decided that my services were no longer needed at 11am today. A few hours later one of my best friends was let go as well. Conspiracy, I know it.

The show is getting some amazing press. Not the good way, but press none the less. Ive had a few people come up to me and say "You show is vulgar, and shouldn't be on T.V." to which I reply. "Change the station you old hag." I have to keep up the mystique.

I've decided that I am going to try and book Annahfought and aSHADEbelow on as many bills together as possible. There needs to be band unification in the area and everyone seems like they would be able to get along really well.

I've also decided that Im going to get Shameless Place out of Racine. Scratch that, out of Wisconsin. Im going to get some press kits out to some places in Minnesota, Iowa and Chicago in hopes of getting the guys some play with people who will appreciate them. Not only that, but I'll be going with them, so its going to be a fun time. I get to make sure they are up and ready to go by a certain time, and all that happy crap. Oh well...

I am going to go apply to be a part time bartender at a big fancy resturant. Its a day shift and its money. So I am not going to complain.

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