What's your name? Lisette. (Lee-set)
What's the meaning behind your user name and icon? ___fluorescence - I believe I shine brightly in all that I do. I go the extra mile, and I am confident in my personality which I feel radiates.
How old are you? 17.
When is your birthday, and what is your zodiac sign? December 28th, CAPRICORN!
What is your sexual preference? And are you taken? Straight and taken. ♥
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Pics? No, but in two months yessss.
Do you have any children? Ages? No, not right now thank you.
Are you tall or short? Short.
Are you in any other rating communities? If so, list them here. Nope.
Stuff About You
What is your favorite movie? Garden State.
What is your favorite song? The Reason Why - Rachael Yamagata.
Favorite color? White.
Favorite store? BCBG.
How much education do you have? High school.
What's your favorite thing to do? Sing loud while driving my car with the sunroof down.
What's something interesting about you, or your life? I eat all natural foods, I do not like to eat any form of preservatives.
What are your pet peeves? Liars.
What is your biggest fear? Rape.
If you could change one thing about society, what would it be? For all people to formulate their own opinions and not rely on the media to do it for them!
State one random fact about yourself. I am right now a senior in highschool and a freshman in college.
Pick only 3-5 of these topics and write about. NO MORE THAN 5.
1- Abortion.
2- Gay rights/marriage.
3- Violence, in schools, or relationships. Violence in my eyes is just another word for a 'grown up' temper tantrum. Violence is just a way for other form to vent out all of the other persons issues onto another person. Violence is just plain wrong. Whether it be domestically, school, or even the work place it is wrong and need to be stopped immediatley. These people just need to grow up and learn how to develop better coping skills and realize that in life you don't always get what you want. Life does not work that way. These people just need to take a grip of reality.
4- President Bush. I personally am 100% for him! Yes he isn't the brightest preident we have ever had, but he bases all of his decisions on morals and his faith. That in my eyes is far the best ruler we can have in our american society. The media is constantly triyng to downplay his decisions. The war on iaq for instance. Evil flourishes when good men do nothing. Sadaam Hussein was dictating a country where it was okay to brutally beat women for any small trivial thing. It was okay to yank their clitoris' out with plyers. But it was wrong to go against Sadaam, you would be murdered. He dictated a country purely through fear and intimidation. No one had the guts to take this man out! I respect President Bush with my whole heart, soul and mind!
5- Gambling.
6- Suicide.
7- Gangs. Gangs to me shows insecurities. These kids are usually born in 'the ghetto' and feel that they have no way out so they decide to join gangs to actually fit in with a clique of people who are in the same boat as him/her. These kids need to see that killing, beating and murder is wrong. They cannot take out their frustrations on anyone else. Education is the key to getting out and leaving their past where it is, in the past. Education is the best aisle to go down to getting where YOU want to be. Gangs are just a group of insecure kids who hate the predicaments that they are dealt with.
8- Drugs.
9- Sex before marriage.
10- Weapon control (in homes).
11- Teenage mothers.
12- Welfare.
13- Love.
14- War.
15- Pick one topic, and write about it here (if you only chose 2 and can't figure out another to choose, or if you have chosen 3 or 4 and have a specific topic you would like to write about).
Real Bitches
What makes a person a bitch? They do not let others change their ideas, stands firm in what they believe in and do not give a flyin flip if someone talks shit about the,
Who invited you here? band_aid_heart
Take a look around the info page, and the members journal. Pick 2 hott members, and name them.
Meredith and Ashley. Beautiful.
Promote us, in your user info, your entries in your livejournal, to a friend, or to a community. And show us proof.
Journal. if you can, make us a banner. This is optional, and you will not be judged on that. If you can, post it here.
All You
Post at least 3 pictures of yourself. Make sure we can see your face. No more than 10 pictures.