I'm desperate to find books and this place had it the cheapest. Has anyone every HEARD of this place? I'd hate to loose what little money I have. Should I just try it? It doesn't have PayPal, but it uses VeriSign.
Gah, I am so frustrated. School sucks and I blame the French.
EDIT: This is mainly just for me to vent because that's the purpose of my journal anywayz. I am deprived of sleep. I can't sleep at night, but I wake up WAY before I have to everyday. I know I should be asleep right now, but I feel almost haunted sitting up in this chair typing away.
I think it's because of my textbooks. I'm so worried about how I am going to do in my French class. I go to class and I feel like I've been shot in the head. The department head gave me a book until my book comes in the mail, but what am I to do? I don't have money to pay for that f00ked up book. I hate that darn book.
155 dollars for what?! And I can't buy the cheaper version... WTF looser shyate is that?! I am so mad. I think it's because I am expected to take FRE22001 eventually. I do not think I am going to. I-- I am just really shaken by this whole issue and I don't even know why it is bothering me this much. Why can I just lay back and say f00k the world?
Well, I suppose I have been saying that, but I haven't gotten a book because of it. :T I've been slightly distant with Eric, or at least that's what I think he thinks? He hinted at it tonight, but I really wasn't up for talking. I don't know why I bother to call. I am just going to refrain because it doesn't make sense to call if I don't have anything to say. I could lock myself up in my dorm and do HW. Okay, that was really funny! Whoo.
I lie: I do have things to say. A lot goes on in the life of a Bianca, but I just don't feel like saying anything anymore. I don't feel like doing a lot of things, but that's just my amazing lazy nature talking. I'm not emo, kiddies. :D
Perhaps it's just the stress of having a job, 14 credits and that whole fiasco where I temporarily had 17 credit hours! WTF? I don't know why I don't feel like sharing things like this with him. I guess it is because it seems dumb to bring up in a conversation. Am I putting on a show? Hmm, maintaining a good conversation takes a bit of performance.
Er, there was no written segway for this, but my mind strolled me over to what happened to my mum today. She was booking a flight for someone who picked up on her accent and asked where she was from. Turns out they're somewhat related! Boy do re-marriages expand the family, lol. He's her step-nephew I believe. Also, someone is interested in hiring my mom and two companions to plan their wedding. It's something my mum dreams about doing, so she's excited about that.
On a gloomier note, my father's girlfriend got into a car accident today. She is fine, car is totaled though. I'm worried about how she will get around, but at least she was not harmed! My dad is flying out in the morning to visit his sister for her birthday. Eric was puzzled as if my dad said "Oh well since you were in an accident today, honey, I am going to fly out to New York." ...
ANYWAY, it's good to return to my classes issue because I want to avoid the underlying one. Oh fawk it. I'll just drown out to Incubus, or read a book, or watch CNN. Anything to keep my occupied.
WHY HASN'T ANYONE HEARD OF CRAMDADDY!? I just want to buy my books and get As. Fookjigger! e_e