last night's lost. is like drinking loads of cherry coke. and forgetting to brush your teeth. and waking up the next morning. it just won't leave your mouth, and you keep making this face where your nose scrunches up and you half do an elvis lip curl. just...ew.
& i'm not even complaining from a shipper point of view. srsly. i'm complaining as a kate fan. i'm complaining as someone who thought lost lives above the average television rules. i'm complaining because even if i was a jack fan, i would be an honest one. ....and the last like....FIVE episodes centered around him (and fyi it just plain ain't fair how many episodes he gets. period. PER-I-OD.) have just plain been...dull. want to argue? go watch -ANY- desmond or sayid episode. if it wasn't for staring at foxy, what possible benefit do jack episodes have anymore?? do they further the story like learning of des's time travelling? do they teach us new things about people -outside of- his character, like ben or sayid episodes do? no. no. in fact, other character's episodes evenly balance your time to learn and love all your characters. wherein jack episodes are all JACK!JACK!JACK!. and for those of us not blinded by his pearly white smile, that's just lame.
but in good news.
iamalreadyinuse has an awesome site now, all purdy and super funny. go to drop a comment. laugh so hard milk comes out when you haven't drank any in weeks. brilliantly funny.
katee on CSI would have been horrible. i want to see her getting work. badly. especially after bionic woman failed. but not only would CSI put her into a box she could never escape, it would encourage robotic (no pun intended) acting that only works in the example of CSI type shows. (see: forgetting sarah marshall) i hope it's true that it won't go through. i hope katee goes on to do movies. she would be all sorts of awesome in the new Dark Tower series. of course, that's just me.