Mar 28, 2005 15:13
*bee-beep beep beep beebeep*
1) I spent 9am to 10am in Klein. I came too early. Salvation Army hadnt opened up yet.
2) I spent 11am - noon talking with friends.
3) Ghost Mice is pretty cool music to drive through the country-area of Tomball in. In fact Ghost Mice just sounds 10x better when driving on open highways in Texas.
4) I'm still confused about if I'm doing my birthday as a camping thing, or what. One thing is for sure though: kickball, tag, and capture the flag. we must still do this. I'm relaly confused about my birthday but if I clign to soem idea then I know hope is not yet lost.
5) I'm going to a park at 3am on wednesday to sleep under the stars with a friend. I want you to come. But you won't.
6) So it seems the label has decided on what our first release should be. Details will be tweaked out Wednesday night when we meet up. It will be on tape format.