--------------This is the Moment, That you know--------------

Jul 25, 2005 16:32

Lost: Pronunciation: 'lüz
_______ Function: verb
1 a : to bring to destruction
2 : to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place
3 : to suffer deprivation of : part with especially in an unforeseen or accidental manner
4 a : to suffer loss through the death or removal of or final separation from (a person)
5 a : to fail to use : let slip by
6 : to cause the loss of
7 : to fail to keep, sustain, or maintain
-lose one's heart : to fall in love

Yeah. that about sums it up. For the past month, i've had to figure out who I was, who I am; Who I want to be. I was hurt, extremely. Deserving......ehh, maybe. An eye-opener, Definetly. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Love goes to the bone. and beyond.........So does this mean I'm found???

So yes, i think i've finally found my summer. and no i'm not going to lose it for anything. Drugs, sex, depression, fear. This sunlight shinin' is just too good, i can't help but smile from ear to ear. I just sit back and blast that music....." yeah you gotta love it, get butterflies in my stomach when i think of it"..... :)
I miss you.
_so yeah
_that isle.....
_get some practice walking down it. :) And keep that monkey chained up!!
To anyone out there who gives a damn about me, i have to ask a favor of you. NO, i dont need anymore money, just a simple task. I dont care if you dont give a damn about religion, this goes much deeper than that. My brother Jeff;as some of you may know, is in quite a hole with the Vodka. Tommorow morning i am taking him to a detox center in Monroe, mi. I love him as much as i hate him for what hes doing to himself. But i don't under any circumstances want to LOSE him. Say a prayer, do a good deed. Put him in your hearts for me. my whole family has gone to bat for him and we've all come up short. He can't overcome his daemons on his own. I just want him to be ok, i want my brother back. I'd give him every smile i kept for myself this year in an instant. He used to be such a great guy. I hope there's enough "Jeff Fay" left in him to come home to us. wish you all coulda known him the way i did. the way i do.
_ Cant end this sat. afternoon entry on a bad note, s0000......

Happy Grad. Gwen!
Good luck up north Cheryl, i'll miss your sexy !Fruitty Pebbles!
Mom, even though you'll never read this; your the shit. I love you. Keep Smilin'!
Dad, go on vacation please!. You need it more than all of us, and your not getting any younger.
Sam, stop avoiding Livonia.....they will come for you in your sleep :)
Ash, enjoy your family, at least the good ones.
Everyone else, get some suN!!!!
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