Oct 28, 2007 21:10
okaly dokaly....a longer proper update....
Well, we did sell the house, luckily for the price we wanted and privately so saved on commissions which was great (after all our hard work and everything) we had a good amount left over to spend on the finishing touches on our new house that we have built but that is all about run out by now lol as it happens!! We did a lot of work on our new house ourselves, I painted the whole lot myself (prick of a job) dorky painted one wall on a day off and I made the mistake of perhaps pointing out the cutting in was a bit crap wellllll he cracked em and I ended up painting the whole lot myself. We seem to get along a lot better these days. I really think it was perhaps his high bp that was making him so erratic, he is like a different person now. Still drinks shit loads and can be a pain in the arse but half as often as he used to, he is on about 7 tablets but, it has his bp under control now. Alena is 13 now and about 6ft 1 (and a bit) so she towers over me. Geoffrey is turning 11 in a few weeks and is still a little cheeky rascal (but he still gives me lots of cuddles) I am lucky dorky is so handy with things, he (with my help) has put up a miniorb (like smallish corrugated iron) feature in laundry, put up the lamipanel in bathrooms and showers etc, lay the floortiles and floating floorboards, did the colorbond trims on house and around windows, put up the steel wire on high verandah, concreting, retaining wall, baseboards (once again colorbond)...our house is all made of colorbond because we are lazy and have heard its easy to maintain (no painting) and with good insulation (which we have) is better than brick because it doesn't retain heat (in summer) and we just got through a winter and found it really good too. Oh, and dorky put up the blinds etc too (with my help)
I love being in a new house but the challenge is on to have it looking spiffy all the time (it doesn't) but at least its neat and tidy mostly. I feel like chucking out all our furniture and buying new stuff so it matches but well, we aren't millionaires so the ratty old couch will have to do for a bit longer.
I am going back to 4 days a week in January at the Insurance Office which will be nice, I have adjusted to full time and especially the $$$$ but, since I am on the nurses bank at the Nursing Home for weekend work I guess I can just tell them I am available Mondays as well.
In the next few weeks I am going in to have a little op, I had a ct scan on my gammy hip a few weeks ago, nothing wrong with my hip but they found a 9cm lump which they think is on my right ovary and think it is just a dermoid cyst. Was a bit scary waiting to find out but I only had a couple of scary days, the optimism kicks in and you think "ah, it will be nothing, stop being a drama queen" I will be happy to hurry up and get it out though. I asked gynie to tie the tubes while he is in there and take the Implanon out of my arm (I have put on so much weight its disgusting) I have been clucky for years but hey, I am 36, unfit, unhealthy, have a diabetic and a coeliac (children) huge age gap for any further kids, and it nearly killed me having my son. I am pretty much resigned to the fact I will have to be a good Grandma and Aunty to babies in my family!
so.....think that is about it could rave about my loony sister but can't be bothered
I am looking forward to having this op, having a couple of weeks off work to recuperate, getting this implanon out of my arm and hopefully the lump MIGHT be causing referred pain in my hip?? So I can get some weight off by walking again (I still reckon the bloody Implanon made me put on heaps of weight too)
Time for me to get motivated!!