May 15, 2006 16:26
Last week was a bad week.
Tuesday, dork arrived home 9.30 am and announced at his check up the doctor told him to get his ass to hospital because his bp was that high he was nearly having a stroke.
He was not impressed. I got such a fright too! After I drove him over, booked him in and did all the paperwork i left to pick kids up and take them to podiatrist appt in Ballarat. That was a nightmare, waited for ages and when I got out I had a flat tyre on the car. I can change a tyre lol but the friggin wheel nuts were too tight. Eventually (as it is my father's car and I didn't want to break anything) I thought Fuck it, and I jumped up and down on the thingy that you put on the wheel nuts, it worked a treat! Flat came off, newie went on and I was on my way to hospital with kids to visit dork.
He was fine, bored but fine. More tests next few days to get to the bottom of what is going on though. Apparently he has to cut the drinking in half - could be interestibng to see how that will go in the long run.
He came out of hospital on Thursday, they wanted to keep him in, 155/95 still a bit high but a lot better than 195/125. Funny thing BP - how come you don't feel any symptoms with it that high? I guess some people do. Later this week we are going to find out the results of what is going on but I am thinking his kidneys could be stuffed because he is having a renal ultrasound tomorrow. He has had high blood pressure (untreated) for at least the last 10 years. Just refused to go to the doctor and a few times when he did refused to go back for follow up. Oh well, some people are selfish.