(no subject)

Jan 26, 2004 04:58

You would assume, as a woman gets older, that snow days would be less and less exciting. This assumption, however, would fall completely in the category of incorrect.

Last night, it snowed for hours. Dan and I bundled up and walked over to the Byrd theatre for a showing of love actually. Despite the films overly large dose of cheese, and the number of times I have seen the movie previously, it still leaves me
with a good feeling about people. [well, some of them]

I think it is safe to say that my emotions have reached a rather unhealthy high level. I’m starting to wear my heart on my sleeve [even more so than I already have prior], and my emotions via my tears. Frankly, its getting ridiculous.
[Given, the majority of said emotions weren’t brought on by things that would exactly bring a smile to one’s face.] However, I would prefer to keep my cool, as opposed to needing to cool down….
I can’t really put my finger on the cause of much of this, so I guess, until then, I’ll just have to be prepared-tissue or shirt-sleeve in hand-and hope those dearest to my heart don’t mind wiping my cheek from time to time.

Given certain events of today, I’ve begun to feel like some sort of inconvenience. I know you told me I’m not, and I believe your words, but sometimes the original thoughts and feelings you have continue to fester in your mind, no matter what, or how perfectly, someone explains their thoughts to you.
Its just going to take me a little bit of time…
However, a change won’t impact the way I feel about you…or our relationship.
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