joy division covered by...the killers

May 10, 2007 13:15

i just found out that the killers have been performing a joy division cover of "shadowplay" while on tour, as well as recording it for the ian curtis biopic! i thought those two didn't go together (i don't like the killers very much), but the cover isn't too bad...

you can stream it here it gets me thinking to how many killers fans, when the killers came to play here at ucsb back in april, even caught this, assuming they did perform the cover during their show. no one seems to have spoke of the cover if it was played after the show (people who went probably only talked about how hot brandon flowers was or how cool their stage was set up), so i could imagine the kids in the event center dancing to shadowplay, not knowing who the fuck the original was by.

pop will eat itself.
pop will eat itself...

lcd soundsystem recently covered a punkier live version for "no love lost" so google for that if you want to keep the jd covers ball rolling
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