(no subject)

Jun 07, 2007 18:21

1. Who was your first prom date?
eric fisher, junior year prom. we didnt dance at all though and sat in this movie theater that was at prom. afterward we went to a senior's house where they were listening to phish and my date got drunk and vomited. the next morning somebody drove us back to my parents house and then my dad drove eric home and my parents never asked me where i was the night before.

2.Who was your first roommate?
katie radishofski. she lives in eugene, oregon, now.

3. What was your first alcoholic drink?
vodka from a flask. i was on a cruise in mexico with my family and was super punk and too cool for them though. i ditched my family and met these two cool boys and just hungout with them the whole time. one night we were up on this deck and they had a flask of vodka and the first sip i had i freaked out and thought i was drinking poison.

4. What was your 1st job?
millers outpost in the topanga plaza in like 2001, then they changed their name to anchor blue in 2002 and the mall changed to Westfield Shopping Center. the store isnt even there now, in 2007.

5. What was your first car?
still have not done that.

6. Who was your 1st grade teacher?
mrs. barrett, she played the acoustic guitar in class alot.

7. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
hmmmmmm i think hawaii.

8. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
i never had to sneak out of my house, my parents let me do what i wanted. i did sneak boys in though, after my parents went to bed.

9. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
stephanie something, in preschool. i dont know her anymore but i remember hanging at her house and jumping around on her couch cushions after building forts.

10. Where was your first sleep over?
at stephanie's.

11. Who was the 1st person you talked to this morning?
my mom, she drove me to work.

12. Whose wedding were you in the first time?
my uncle pat and aunt jane, i was about 5 and totally cute. they live in maryland.

13. What is the first thing you did this morning?
went pee. i always have to pee really bad when i first wake up.

14. What was the first concert you ever went to?
i hate admitting this, but i never can remember. when i was about 14 i just started going to alooooot of shows and they are all blurred together.

15. First tattoo or piercing?
i had my ears piereced when i was 12.

16. First favorite celebrity?
weird obsession with paul rubens AKA peewee herman from like preschool til whenever he got arrested. my parents kind of tried to change my interest to someone not convicted of a crime.

17. First crush?
this boy benjamin in kindergarten. i remember he had dark brown hair, brown eyes, super pale, tall for his age and skinny. not alot has changed

18. When was your first detention?
freshman year of high school. at my school we got detentions for being caught with our shirts being untucked so everyone got detention all the time.

19. Who was the first person to break your heart?
benjamin did. i dont know what he did, but i remember crying one day at school about something that bastard did.

20. Who will be the first to repost this??
hmmmmmm meryl?
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