May 23, 2007 10:15
01. is your hair wet? no i am pissed of at work
02. is your cell phone right by you? no
03. do you miss someone? yes
05. are you wearing chapstick: yes, always.
07. are you tired? pretty much.
08. are you excited: no not until tomorow is over.
09. are you watching tv: no
10. are you wearing pajamas: no
01. recently done anything you regret: no, except being a huge procrastinator and pissed off.
02. ever lied: yes
03. ever stuck gum under a desk: no
04. ever kick someone?: yes
05. ever trip over your own feet?: yeah i am really clumsy.
01. have you cussed?: yes i am at work.
02. have you yelled at someone: no
03. have you gotten mad at someone: yes
04. have you cried: not today, i did alot yesterday.
05. have you called more than 3 people: no.
06. have you IM'd more than 3 people: no.
Q 01: is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A 01: yes
Q 02: where is the last place you went?
A 02: to work and i am still there.
Q 03: who is the last person you called?
A 03: lindsaay.
Q 06: do you smile often?
A 06: yes
Q 07: do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
A 07: yes.
Q 08: do you wish on stars?
A 08: no but i dont think it is a stupid idea.
Q 09: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A 09: most of my shoes don't have laces.
Q 10: when did you last cry?
A 10: yesterday at costco.
Q 11: do you like your handwriting?
A 11: yes it is messy i dont really care.
Q 12: are you a friendly person?
A 12: yes i really hope so.
Q 13: who's bed did you sleep in last night?
A 13: my owwwwn.
Q 14: what color shirt are you wearing?
A 14: grey shirt but i have a red sweatshirt on over that if it counts.
Q 15: do you have any pets?
A 15: yes a dog named sam.
Q 16: what is the color of your bedsheets?
A 16: white.
Q 17: what were you doing at 3pm yesterday
A 17: being pissed off sitting in math class wishing it was a week ahead so i would be taking my math final and almost be done with that stupid class.
Q 18: i can't wait until...
A 18: well this is a two part answer. tomorow after noon will be awesome because i will have turned in this huge paper that i have due tomorow and then i am going to SF for the weekend. buuut then i have finals next week so i can't wait until next thursday after 3 o'clock because i will be done with school until the fall!
Q 19: is tom on your friends list?
A 19: no
Q 20: look to your right. what's there?
A 20: a table and a chair.
Q 22: ever cried yourself to sleep?
A 22: hahah oh yeah lots of times.
Q 23: ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
A 23: yes
Q 24: song that makes you cry or really emotional?
A 24: forever got shorter
Q 25: are you normally a happy person?
A 25: i can be on certain days! hahahahaha i like how i fucked that one uup.
Q 26: has anyone ever said 'i love you' to you?
A 26: yes
Q 27: if yes do you think they meant it?
A 27: yes