Faux Emo with a side order of Rainbows and Ponies

Jul 11, 2008 23:30

So for my own emo-self I'd like to compile a bunch of emails that I've accumulated over my short lifetime into one long post that I can re-read whenever I feel like third-season-Sydney.

I guess keeping it anonymous would be more fun slash appropriate:


(I notice that the dictionary entry for "stoical" has no definition, just your photo.)

This wasn't an email, but a quote that I remember and giggle at every time it pops into my head:

You're both friends? But Courtney is such a yellow...and you're such an infrared.


When I sleep I travel to your side to hold you. Sometimes you come visit me in my dreams and that makes me smile.
I love you too


And these are two people who smacked me in the face with confusion, frustration, and hurt.


my being an idiot:

he is so good with words
its like breathtaking
and u are too cute annie
so what are u guys doing on friday?!
ahh im excited for u
he is very cute...nice picking hun

---- WaNnaKiCk32@aol.com wrote:
> MiSter-----DuPer: allrighty
> MiSter-----DuPer: songs all done
> MiSter-----DuPer: now all it needs is a title
> MiSter-----DuPer: ...
> MiSter-----DuPer: hmmm
> MiSter-----DuPer: ah hah!
> MiSter-----DuPer: got it!
> MiSter-----DuPer: alllllriiight
> w a n na kick 32: surprise?
> MiSter-----DuPer: no surprise isnt the title
> w a n na kick 32: haha
> MiSter-----DuPer: that would be a bad title
> MiSter-----DuPer: lol
> w a n na kick 32: I meant will you save it for Friday? or tell me now?
> w a n na kick 32: to be or not to be
> MiSter-----DuPer: depends
> w a n na kick 32: that is the question
> MiSter-----DuPer: do you want to know now
> MiSter-----DuPer: or then
> MiSter-----DuPer: the real question is actualyl what am I gonna have for
> breakfast tomorrow
> MiSter-----DuPer: lol
> w a n na kick 32: um Im eager to hear it now would be my answer
> MiSter-----DuPer: Resphoina
> w a n na kick 32: does it have an origin?
> MiSter-----DuPer: yup
> w a n na kick 32: would you tell it to me pretty please
> MiSter-----DuPer: as I was writing the song I thought of you, and then I
> thought of a place with absolutely no flaws, where good and evil's eagerness
to take over one another does not exist, almost like a complete utopia.
> MiSter-----DuPer: the name is the name of this utopia
> MiSter-----DuPer: and in russian
> MiSter-----DuPer: Resphoina means without flaw
> MiSter-----DuPer: sorry latin, not russian
> MiSter-----DuPer: lol
> w a n na kick 32: so I wish you could hear me, but Im speechless
> MiSter-----DuPer: lol I told you music is the only thing I got going for me
> to impress a girl
> w a n na kick 32: its not the only thing, but it certainly works on me very
> well
> w a n na kick 32: I almost don't know what to say, except that was the most
> beautiful compliment I've ever received


WaNnaKiCk32 [7:06 PM]:  ugh i miss you
---- [7:06 PM]:  i miss you more
WaNnaKiCk32 [7:06 PM]:  :(
---- [7:06 PM]:  please come visit
WaNnaKiCk32 [7:06 PM]:  its so blah prosaic
WaNnaKiCk32 [7:07 PM]:  i really want to
WaNnaKiCk32 [7:07 PM]:  but im so broke
---- [7:07 PM]:  i have no energy when i don't see u
WaNnaKiCk32 [7:07 PM]:  you're my second half lol i feel so blah and alone here
----[7:08 PM]:  ur telling me ___

(I physically smacked myself after reading this):

i can't wait till vacation, ur going to get the biggest hug possible, lol.
Now i know that since im stressing out majorly, you are doing about double what im doing, so don't be too hard on yourself.  Just do the best you can, and enjoy learning.  We only get to do highschool once, so take advantage of it, and learn what you really want to.  Remember you're a special kid annie and the world wouldn't be the same without you




----[12:48 AM]:  im so glad i don't have a sister
----[12:48 AM]:  lol
WaNnaKiCk32 [12:48 AM]:  yes u should lol
----[12:48 AM]:  u are the closest i have
----[12:48 AM]:  and u practically are one
WaNnaKiCk32 [12:48 AM]:  same here
----[12:49 AM]:  but an awesome one


(This is an entirely different Matt; someone I met in high school.)

----[11:54 PM]:  i was thinking about when we were bouncing the tennis ball, and you were telling me all about matt and i was talking about tim
WaNnaKiCk32 [11:54 PM]:  aww
WaNnaKiCk32 [11:54 PM]:  that was fun :(
----[11:54 PM]:  just remembering the feeling of getting to know you
----[11:54 PM]:  its so wonderful
WaNnaKiCk32 [11:55 PM]:  awww
----[11:55 PM]:  well
WaNnaKiCk32 [11:55 PM]:  yeah i felt the same way
----[11:55 PM]:  im off
----[11:55 PM]:  :-D
WaNnaKiCk32 [11:55 PM]:  good night my love
----[11:55 PM]:  it was the best thing ever
----[11:55 PM]:  night
----[11:55 PM]:  toodles
WaNnaKiCk32 [11:55 PM]:  ur the best
WaNnaKiCk32 [11:55 PM]:  haha toodlesss
----[11:55 PM]:  ur btter
----[11:55 PM]:  better
WaNnaKiCk32 [11:55 PM]:  ha ha u r
----[11:55 PM]:  toodles till tomuddles


Okay, so this one is interesting to me, I put up an away message once that got two, totally different responses:


----[8:57 PM]:  i miss u too
Auto response from WaNnaKiCk32 [8:57 PM]: give me your strength, i'm running out
i don't need reason to keep fighting
i need someone beside me
----[8:58 PM]:  i know that even though you are 100s of miles away, u still support me
----[8:58 PM]:  and that makes everything so much easier
----[8:58 PM]:  so just remember the same thing with urself
----[8:58 PM]:  i stand by u
----[8:58 PM]:  im just in a differend state
----[8:58 PM]:  hahah
----[8:59 PM]:  lov ya

 FUlTiMeSvvEeTy [12:21 AM]:  i dunno if you miss me but i miss you so much more


I feel retardly nostalgic right now. But it could just be the meds.
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