X sitek is hot X: want a girlfriend.... or something more <<<HammerotGods: haha HammerotGods: thats funny X sitek is hot X: no. it's romance. HammerotGods: haha X sitek is hot X: and you should order one HammerotGods: that would work perfectly X sitek is hot X: of course. you want loving, they give it to you. one AK47 at a time HammerotGods: now thats what i like X sitek is hot X: :-D X sitek is hot X: i'm sure some woman named Olga Sabrinka Tiddlewinkyovowitsky would love it too HammerotGods: ::grimaces:: *insert useless jargon here* X sitek is hot X: i still think you should order one HammerotGods: im too young to be married to a communist