Swap goodness

Aug 25, 2007 16:33

This was my first craftster swap. My partner, Janice, is going away to boarding school (from Hong Kong all the way to England!) and I'm kind of jealous. I always romanticised the idea of going to boarding school, but then again, lots of the things I've romanticised in the past weren't quite as exciting as I had imagined. But I digress. I tried to keep everything I made relevant to her life.

A drawstring sholder bag to carry her ballet shoes, stationary to keep in touch with her HK friends, a ballet button brooch/pin, and an ice cream necklace.

That was my first time doing stationary. I enjoyed it.
In other news, the kitchen is coming along, albeit slowly, but still coming. We've almost finished painting all of the cabinets and wood white. You would think that wouldn't be that hard. It is.

Jason's mom is coming by soon to take us around to possible rehearsal dinner locations.

I don't know if I want a wedding shower. I don't really enjoy being the center of attention like that...

That's all.

crafts, sewing

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