Are you getting your electricity from a guy with a bucket?

Oct 04, 2011 19:31

Mock The Week S10 E10: Milton Jones, Holly Walsh, Ed Byrne

i) Hugh’s sly boasting about being asked for his autograph.  Show off.
ii) Ed Balls playing football. The things I miss by not having access to a Daily Mirror every day.
iii) ‘Dara, don’t take this wrong, but fuck off.’
iv) Admittedly, the ‘grate’ Britain joke went over my head. :P
v) All of the stand-up.  Holly Walsh quite dry, Chris very exuberant, Milton Jones completely brilliant.  
vi) 12 years: ‘If someone was half my age, how old would they be?’ You wish, Hugh.
vii) The sushi-radiation joke.
viii) ‘I actually prefer the word ‘chamber-pot’ to ‘Putin’.’
ix) A shining beam of light versus a beautiful snowflake.  Maybe the best conversation in MtW history.
x) ‘What do I see myself doing in 5 years time? Exactly the same, but on Dave.’
xi) The genuine happiness when Hugh, Chris and Milton won.

All in all: a really great episode.  I like Holly Walsh a lot, and of course Milton and Ed are pretty much my favourite guests ever (with Seann Walsh, naturally.  Coincidentally, are he and Holly related? Probably not).

I did actually wonder was it too late to do this round-up thing, but then I decided it’s never too late to watch MtW over and over.  Thanks phantym for the youtube link.  I also found ‘QI’ and ‘WILTY’, so yay.

Anyways, what I did today: bought a French phone so now I can finally ring people again, signed up for some broadband internet in my flat (somehow this is going to take 2 weeks to be installed), and found out that French keyboards aren’t the same as UK keyboards (the WAZQ are in different places! WHY?!).

mock the week, holly walsh, tv comedy, chris addison, hugh dennis, milton jones, ed byrne

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