"Flora Segunda" by Ysabeau Wilce.
First read: 04-03-2008.
mistful recced this a while ago , I couldn't remember what she had said about it exactly when I got it from www.audible.com but I thought: so what? it's free, it sounds interesting, let's try. At the beggining it seemed as if it could possibly fulfill my expectations, even using Spanish as it did (not badly, per se, but since it's an audiobook read by an English speaker it sounded awful, at least). Then it all fell apart, the parts Maya had said were funny were indeed funny but from then on the plot just kind divided in a million different directions, many of which were forgotten and many others of which ended suddenly and poorly. I have 10 parts of 10 minutes each left, so about one sixth of the book and I just cannot muster enough interest to listen to it, I don't care enough about Flora, who started of as fairly mature if unrealistic fourteen year old and it's by this point acting as if she were five and asking stupid questions and making stupid assertions such as "are you sure it's not going to eat me?". Oh, and in the middle one of the characters who spoke Spanish said "idioto" for "idiota". I cannot understand how American authors keep mucking up Spanish when they are fucking surrounded by native Spanish speakers. Is it so hard to ask your neighbour to translate a couple phrases for you if you cannot find a professional to help?