"The Astronaut Phase" by George
First read: 23-01-2008.
Notes: 17.000 words. The reason I'm giving it such a high grade it's that it manages to recapture the old days' Harry/Draco dynamic in a new post-DH setting, to make Harry's and Draco's relationship not about love or sex or anything as simple but about the feeling of being alive when they are with the other doing the crazy things nobody else would do with them. For Harry it represents a much needed reprieve from his boring paper-pushing Auror career, for Draco, finding someone who understands his way of living. Ginny, important, but absent, is not important enough to merit being in the title but it's never altogether forgotten by either Harry or the reader because in the Wizarding world of the moment she's their most famous celebrity. IF all these weren't enough there's also the fact that this fic is incredibly funny. Spoilerish comment: Whether this is a break or it's going to continue it's left to the imagination making it EWE or epilogue compliant without feeling open-ended.*