“The Price We Pay For Wings” by
First read: 05-12-2007.
hd_holidays entry, read while anon.
painless_j recced
pir8fancier recced this,
furiosity hasn't recced it yet but left squees over at the comments. If you need more reassurances than that…
You're in the right place, because I have to tell you what I think, because this might as well be the best story I've read all year, and it's so short (13.000 words) and I have do something about it. You don’t find this kind of gems every day, not even every year, The price we pay for wings undoes you and, simultaneously, quietly and without fuss, tells you how to put yourself back together. It’s about life and fiction, friendship, family and love and it’s perfect in its utterly painful way. It’s a bit more painful than I like overall, if you want balance, this is not for you. It’s pure description and narrative (and I'm a dialog-whore) and it goes through all canon characters, old and new generation and briefly focuses in their personalities and then goes away and sometimes you get another glimpse and sometimes that's it, and it's so little and so perfect that you always want more, no matter how much you disliked them in canon. All this mixed with the fictional series of books about a Muggle boy and his best friend in the middle of a war, a series that are, at once, the reflection of the past, and, unknowingly, the future. Edit:
frayach it's the best author I discovered in these fests. I thought there might be another but it turns out she's also written
"Powerful Men", the other fic I've loved to pieces and hasn't been written by one of my usual loves.
Some fanart by dyinniyah, the giftee.