So I’m writing my dissertation about how all slash is really an exploration of female sexuality and genderswap is sort of the last step in that process, in the sense that you take a character everybody loves, a guy who can be a hero, and then re-position him into a female body and sometimes even a feminine gender and you explore all your issues. All those things you can never talk about happening to a female character because of how very close they are, and you give them to this guy, who is safe because he is a guy and guys can do no wrong, right? Furthermore, nobody judges guys’ entire lives for how good they are at relationships (they get judged for other shit, obviously, but this is an exploration of female issues, don't get distracted!) so their relationships can be (mostly) about them and this other person they love and want to spend time with or maybe are really hot for. And this fic, girls, this fic goes all the fucking way, it’s daring and brave and smart and I loved it to bits. I don’t even like het. But of course genderswap is not really het, is it now? Except Ms Harry Dresden, name unchanged and all, is very clearly a woman in more than body but she is also Harry, who refuses to be owned to the point of absurd and thinks experimenting with things that might explode is reasonable behaviour. The real question is, can she exist without him existing first? And at some point I would like to be able to say: sure. But right now I’ll have to make do with genderfuck.