“Aiesu” (Inter Sex) by ROKUHANA Chiyo

Dec 30, 2011 06:34

“Aiesu” (Inter Sex) by ROKUHANA Chiyo


Case 1 and Case 2 seem pretty much the same to me, even as they deal with different kinds of intersexuality and they have the same conclusion (it is my understanding that some intersex people feel gendered one way or the other and want to be completely that sex as well as gender).

2011, book-2011, 2011: comic in English, +family, +social issues, #novel, *author: female, @read in English, #manga, #graphic novel, +intersexuality, #queer literature, @_nipon

*author: female, +intersexuality, 2011: comic in english, #manga, +family, 2011, #novel, book-2011, @read in english, +social issues, @_nipon, #graphic novel, #queer literature

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