"Two Heroes" by Dira Sudis . [L.A. Confidential: Ed/Bud, Bud/Lynn] . [N7,5]
3500 words. I haven't watch the movie so I take my characterization of these guys from Astolat's fanfic. This one is a bit more simple than hers but it carries on with the idea of partnership. Romance is boring, partnership is what's really interesting because romance is two people who love each other, despite their differences. Partnership is this, two people who love each other because of their differences, because they fit together, because their whole personalities and identities are intertwined.
Couldn't be a hero without heroes of his own.
2010, fanfic-2010, fanfiction, @read in english, 2010: other fic, fanfic: other, fanfic: other, [quotes], [quotes] fanfiction, other fic: recs, *fanfic-2010-oneshot