Intellectual Intercourse by
waketosleepSherlock | John/Sherlock | 8,500 words
The drawn-out and ridiculous story of how Sherlock Holmes and John Watson carried out a surprisingly successful asexual relationship.
Asexual!Sherlock. I can really buy this idea and the closeness that has been evident between them from the very beginning and can't but increase with time.
* Not what he'd ever expected of a wedding night. But Sherlock's major talent was not so much deduction as redefining reality as John knew it.
2010, fanfic-2010, fanfiction, @read in english, 2010: sherlock BBC fic, sherlock BBC fic: sherlock/john, sherlock BBC fic: gen, *fanfic-novelette-2010, +asexuality, [quotes], [quotes] fanfiction, [quotes] sherlock bbc