"Joe Jonas: Boy Cheerleader series" by SmallActs . [Jonas Brothers RPS AU: Joe Jonas/Nick Jonas] . [N6,5]
Read first> 27.04.2010
Around 40.000 words in the whole series. AU where they never become a band, instead they go to high school and Nick joins all and every single sport team he can find and makes up a few more and Joe finds that literally cheerleading for him is more fun than trying to be good at sports. I moderately enjoyed the story but I have some issues with the way gender's done, which are personal, I like SmallActs writing better in other stories.
This series has a very different take on Joe, who uses his love for Nick and his desire to be by his side to transition into someone who feels the need to dress in girl clothes. This isn't explored, and the way that Nick and other characters start treating him like a girl (he gets a corsage for prom) and not like a boy who simply likes to dress as a girl is treated as perfectly natural and the way to be accepting. Not that that isn't nice or that the lack of self-questioning doesn't fit Joe's (to me very clearly SP) personality but it made me a tad uncomfortable that the author didn't aware either that Joe wasn't just in love with his brother and trying to become a girl to become his girlfriend but actually evolving as an individual into someone who was, at least, genderqueer. Jonas Brothers fandom also seems strangely unquestioning of incest (in this fic Nick gets angry because he doesn't get to publicly awknowledge that him and Joe are a couple in High School) when the closeness that comes from being related and living and working together is what makes the pairing. There's other stuff, sure, but in Supernatural when incest is not even mentioned in a non-AU fic then 99% it's a bad fic. I have been reading from a
rec list so mostly the quality is good (7 out of 10) and sometimes the transition from brotherly affection into romance works, with Nick and Joe going along with what they feel is right unquestioningly, but although I believe it for Joe I have more trouble swallowing it when it comes to Nick (who is either an NT and would question anything or an SJ and would question anything that went against his religious principles).
I read the last story from Joe's POV (House of Dreams) in which someone dares to suggest the way Nick treats Joe like a girl is not implied in his desire to dress as a girl (in a rather snidely and superior fashion but still) and everybody rushes to reassure Joe there's nothing wrong with him, missing the point by a mile. You can question things that are right or that simply work for the people involved without criminalizing them. This sudden rush of love to cover up any doubts instead of the doubts being addressed and dismissed in a logical and open fashion is actually as backwards as discrimination since it comes from the same place: the status quo (normality or weirdness) cannot be questioned without it crumbling. I'm really tired of people equating not thinking with love.
You can only love what you know! ♣ Nick's hands are shaking against Joe's bare skin, and even though they've been here before, done things with hands and mouths in dark corners and under covers, it feels different now, alone in their still lit-up hotel room with no one to be quiet for.
The Continued Adventures of Joe Jonas: boy cheerleader {PROM} by Smallacts
2010: rps fic, rps fic, fanfic-2010, 2010, @read in english, fanfiction, rps fic: jonas brothers: nick/joe au, +transgender, +genderfuck, [quotes], [quotes] rps, [quotes] fanfiction