Fanfic: "The Group-W Bench" by Cesperanza . [Mcshep, pre-Atlantis] . [N7]

Sep 06, 2008 01:44

First read: 06.09.2008
Second read: 30.06.2009
Comments: 37 minutes/ 6000 words. What if they met before Atlantis? At the lowest point in both their careers, John's black mark and Rodney's fuckup in SG1, Spoilers from here: and found the courage to talk to a stranger about something as important as that because they are strangers and then discovered something more to like, ended up in bed. And then, of course, they meet again when John sits in the chair in Antactica

2009, 2009: sga fic, sga fic, fanfic-2009, @read in english, fanfiction, sga fic: McKay/Sheppard, *fanfic-oneshot-2008, *fanfic-oneshot-2009, fanfic: read2, author: cesperanza, 2008, fanfic-2008

fanfic-2008, 2008, fanfic: read2, 2009: sga fic, *fanfic-oneshot-2008, fanfic-2009, *fanfic-oneshot-2009, sga fic, sga fic: mckay/sheppard, @read in english, 2009, author: cesperanza, fanfiction

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