Fanfic: "Punxsutawney" by Shalott . [Sam/Dean] . [N8]

Sep 09, 2008 01:37

First read: 09.09.2008
Second read: 16.06.2009
Comments: 9000w. The boys get trapped in a time loop in a residential area, they try everything to get out and to pass the time but ultimately, being alone in the universe starts getting to them. And turns out, they have the means out in their very own hands.

As usual, Shalott takes a crazy premise like a day that repeats endlessly and uses it to force the characters to explore, in a wold where nothing matters because nothing lasts or has consequences, what really matters to them.

fanfic: read2, 2009, 2009: supernatural fic, supernatural fic, fanfic-2009, @read in english, fanfiction, supernatural fic: Sam/Dean, *fanfic-novelette-2009, 2008, fanfic-2008, +september-2008, *fanfic-novelette-2008, supernatural fic: recs, author: shalott

fanfic-2008, 2008, supernatural fic, supernatural fic: sam/dean, fanfic: read2, author: shalott, *fanfic-novelette-2009, supernatural fic: recs, fanfic-2009, *fanfic-novelette-2008, 2009: supernatural fic, @read in english, 2009, fanfiction

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