Fanfic: "Transcendental" by Shalott . [Mcshep] . [N8]

Jul 09, 2008 13:02

First read: 09.07.2008
Second read: 07.05.2009 (podfic)
Third read: 31.10.2010 (podfic)
Comments: 4.27h. Mm... Ok, so I like this one, mostly. But I see how people got a bit dubious about Rodney taking power (Weir is poisoned and has to be put in stasis for about 3 months, so Rodney, as the ranking civilian, takes over). And does he take over, he's not about to let John or anybody run half of the city, especially not in a crisis where enemies poison them in their control room, and John, well, he resists at first, but then he's as taken with Rodney as anybody who's seen his implacable genius at play becomes and he ends up joining forces with him (all the power-playing sex Rodney and him are having, consensually but forcefully, not hurting at all.) I think this Rodney is a bit scary, a bit too much like the Rodney that blew up a solar system because he couldn't accept he could make mistakes. *SPOILERS* He doesn't make any huge mistakes here but his attitude would, I think, eventually have led him to (if it hadn't been any longer than three months) and although I agreed with his though handling of the Geni I also understood that he had been enslaving them, like Elizabeth points out the moment she's back in command and Teyla insists on from the beginning. Anybody having absolute power is a bad idea, which is what the whole thing comes down to, agreed, but for short periods of times it can also do a lot of good. Jinjurly's reading is, as always, remarkably beautiful.

Fanfic: read2, 2009, 2009: sga fic, sga fic, fanfic-2009, @read in english, fanfiction, sga fic: McKay/Sheppard, *fanfic-novella-2009, -podfic, author: shalott, 2008, fanfic-2008, *fanfic-novella-2008, sga fic: recs, 2010, 2010: sga fic, sga fic, fanfic-2010, @read in english, fanfiction, sga fic: McKay/Sheppard, fanfic: read3, *fanfic-novella-2010

sga fic: recs, 2009: sga fic, fanfic-2009, 2010: sga fic, -podfic, *fanfic-novella-2009, @read in english, 2009, fanfic: read3, fanfic-2008, 2008, fanfic: read2, author: shalott, fanfic-2010, *fanfic-novella-2008, *fanfic-novella-2010, sga fic: mckay/sheppard, sga fic, fanfiction, 2010

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