Jun 04, 2009 03:55
First read: 04.06.2009
Comments: I decided to read this because I found some Tharkay slash and I needed to know who he was to read it. Shallow of me, I know. I can't imagine I would get through a historical adventure of any kind if I hadn't someone reading it to me and I could just zone out without losing track of the tale (mostly). There are many moments with the characters I enjoy (Iskierka was hilarious). If I hadn't seen the things this writer is capable of I might just dismiss them but I keep hoping to find some of the light and wiseness her fic is full of here. Truth be told, I would settle for some sarcasm and wit instead of all this bravery and British honour, which is all so very restraining. I think I will give it a rest now, although I am a bit tempted to see how the Napoleonic wars end here.
2009, 2009: novel in english, book-2009, novel, *author: female, @read in english, -audiobook, series: temeraire, *fandomer-written, -fantasy, -adventures
*author: female,
2009: novel in english,
series: temeraire,
@read in english,
author: naomi novik