Fanfic: "Claused" by Shalott . [Rps: David Cook/David Archuleta] . [N7]

May 04, 2009 03:24

Fanfic: "Claused" by Shalott . [Rps: David Cook/David Archuleta] . [N7]

First read: 04.05.2009
Second read: 08.05.2009

Summary: So there was this clause in the contracts, where as long as he was single, he had to go out with another 19E client for at least four weeks at their request.
Comments: 5000 words. I had no idea who this David Cook guy was but it was by Shalott and that meant it was likely slash and who could resist that combo? Plus, she digs summaries, so I tried it and... I was lost. Because I don't really see what's the fuss about Cook, personality wise as she writes him he's a regular guy but David Archuleta (meaning, other half of the pairing) is the cutest thing EVER. Even though he's a Mormon and people with strong religious believes tend to make me uncomfortable. I have since *seen* both of them and, really, I was happier imagining them but whatever. This fic is the cuttest thing ever.

2009x2, fanfic: read2, 2009, 2009: rps fic, rps fic, fanfic-2009, fanfiction, @read in english, rps fic: david cook/david archuleta, *fanfic-oneshot-2009, author: shalott, -first fic, rps fic: recs

rps fic: recs, 2009x2, -first fic, fanfic: read2, author: shalott, rps fic: ai: david cook/david archuleta, fanfic-2009, *fanfic-oneshot-2009, 2009: rps fic, @read in english, 2009, rps fic, fanfiction

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