Fanfic: "Healing Station Argh" by Toft_froggy . [John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon] . [N8,5]

Apr 02, 2009 02:48

Healing Station Argh - NC-17, 13,102 words, written for kink_bingo, prompt: pegging. A story about the benefits of cultural exchange, contraception, the downsides to television stardom, and what counts as pre-watershed in the Pegasus galaxy.
It all started when they found Pegasus cable.
Podfic by general_jinjur
First read: 02.04.2009
Second read: 13.09.2010 (podfic again)

Comments: 13.000 words. Wow. I don't really have the words to explain what this fic has done to me. I actually listened to the podfic (the general is an amazing reader, reminds me of professionals) and I laughed and smiled and generally wanted to giggle and jump around with glee (well, ok, I kind of did) and well... I feel very stupid for avoiding this type of fics. I made an exception for Cesperanza's 3 Lovers but that one wasn't really a fourway relationship, more like two couples who were really close and sometimes had sex. Oh, the sex, the sex here is REALLY HOT and after so much fanfic it's weird that I feel that way anymore. Especially when Teyla is heavily pregnant. Pegging as an contraceptive method is brilliant. I loved loved loved the Pegasus cultures, they way is not Teyla and Ronon out of the loop with pop-culture references for once.

2009, 2009: sga fic, sga fic, fanfic-2009, @read in english, fanfiction, sga fic: McKay/Sheppard, sga fic: teamsome, -podfic, author: toft_froggy, sga fic: recs, *fanfic-novelette-2009, -hot, 2010, *fanfic-novelette-2010, 2010: sga fic, fanfic-2010

sga fic: recs, 2009: sga fic, fanfic-2009, 2010: sga fic, *fanfic-novelette-2010, -podfic, @read in english, 2009, -hot, author: toft_froggy, sga fic: teamsome, *fanfic-novelette-2009, fanfic-2010, sga fic, sga fic: mckay/sheppard, fanfiction, 2010

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