Fanfic: "
Jus Ad Bellum" by Seperis [X-men: Rogue gen, Rogue/Logan] . [N6]
First read: 08.03.2009
Comments: This started so well! I mean, I don't decide to read 158.000 word epics in fandoms I have read 3 fics in and about a character I have read none. Although I have always loved canon Rogue, her condition is too deliciously tragic. Anyway, it started well, it was interesting and the references to clothing were kept to a logical mininum. And then Rogue gets used to the alternate reality she lands in two paragraphs in and turns into a complete Mary Sue who's obssessed by all the pretty clothes she gets to buy because mutants are oppressing humans and so have all the acquisitive power even as she despises them for the oppressing, by the time she starts sleeping with al!Logan with the help of a power-repressing collar her transformation is almost complete and not even the moral questions or the possible end of the world can keep me there. I'm 110.000 words in, 48.000 to go and just... I can't.
2009, fanfic-2009, fanfiction, @read in english, 2009: x-men fic, x-men fic, x-men fic: gen/het, *fanfic-epic-2009