At The End of the Pier by Cesperanza
First read: 19.09.2008
Second read: 26.03.2009
Comments: 3000 words. After The Shrine John finally realises the only time he has any control over it's the present. I read this the first time without having watched the episode or having any idea what happened in it. It was a majorly stupid idea, obviously. Now that I have been through how crushing and hopeful the episode was, how it showed the intimacy that has build between them... Anyway, the fic is lovely but short, the scene is here if you need reminding but won't work without the context.
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♥ Most true things sound stupid, he thinks. It's why everyone lies.
-entry with quotes, 2009, 2009: sga fic, sga fic, fanfic-2009, @read in english, fanfiction, sga fic: McKay/Sheppard, *fanfic-oneshot-2009, *fanfic-oneshot-2008, fanfic-2008, fanfic-september-2008, author: cesperanza, fanfic: read2