Mar 23, 2009 03:52
"Fireball" by Celli_lane.
First read: 23.03.2009
Second read: 14.09.2010
Comments: 27w. 2.34h. Good story, ok AU. Rodney works at Elizabeth's racing team as an inovative mechanic, other Atlantis people are around. And then the new car pilot show ups, John Sheppard. Rodney's immediate dislike of him is soon completely reversed. It's a great story (and the reading by Shaenie is wonderful as well, full of joy and love), funny and touching and angsty and real, but it doesn't quite work as an AU, because besides the characters and their basic personalities (Rodney's a bit softer as a mechanic than as a genius, if still obsessive), there's no mirroring in plot or themes.
2009, 2009: sga fic, sga fic, fanfic-2009, @read in english, fanfiction, sga fic: McKay/Sheppard, *fanfic-novella-2009, -podfic, sga fic: recs, fanfic-2010, 2010, 2010: sga fic, *fanfic-novella-2010
sga fic: recs,
2009: sga fic,
2010: sga fic,
sga fic: mckay/sheppard,
@read in english,
sga fic,