"Generosity" by Shalott . [Sam/Dean] . [N8]
First read: 10.03.2009
Comments: 2.000w. John survives his deal and finds out about them. I love how there's only one thing that will make Dean turn on Sam and that's his father because he can't stand what he sees as Sam dessertion and unfaithfulness, he will forgive it for himself but not for John. But that goes both ways, John can't touch Sam either, no matter how wrong Sam is or how wrong Dean is, Sam is sacred. And it's John who did it.
2009, 2009: supernatural fic, supernatural fic, fanfic-2009, @read in english, fanfiction, supernatural fic: Sam/Dean,*fanfic-oneshot-2009, supernatural fic: recs, author: shalott