Fanfic: "Road to Shambala" by Shalott . [Sam/Dean] . [N8]

Sep 12, 2008 08:17

Road to Shambala by Shalott.

Summary: Dean looked over at Sam and said, "Where to, bright eyes?"
Sam hesitated, his fingers tapping on his thigh, and then he said, "You ever been to New Orleans?"
First read: 12-09-2008.

Second read: 27.09.2009 (podfic)

Notes: 6,218 words. Exquisitely painful and angsty. Dean’s guilt is so very real, the more real because he wants, because it was no accident. And Sam’s way of dealing with the whole situation, the way he makes it “official”, makes it “normal” and “acceptable” because in their circumstances it just is.

"Yeah?" Sam asked, and Dean said, "Yeah," barely recognizing his own voice. Sam moved, and all of a sudden Dean was straining for it like it was something he'd wanted his whole fucking life, rocking up into it, every thrust, catching Sam's mouth whenever he could and only breaking off for air. And fuck, he needed air, gasping like crazy and he still couldn't get enough, their hips riding together hard and fast, and Jesus, it was even more wrong to want this than it was to be getting it, and he did anyway.

2009, 2009: supernatural fic, supernatural fic, fanfic-2009, @read in english, fanfiction, supernatural fic: Sam/Dean, *fanfic-oneshot-2009, fanfic: read2

fanfic-2008, fanfic-september-2008, 2008, supernatural fic, supernatural fic: sam/dean, author: shalott, *fanfic-oneshot-2008, supernatural fic: recs, [quotes], @read in english, fanfiction

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