Jul 16, 2007 02:05
"The time traveler's wife" by Audrey Niffenegger. Time-traveling
Notes: First, don't be put off by the title, i know how it sounds but it's not that what defines Clare is being Henry's wife but that what defines and anchors Henry is loving Clare. Henry, by visiting Clare since she's six, also plays a huge part on her life and development. This is a love story, a story about this couple who love each other and the people that make up their lives as a couple and as individuals. It reads as a mainstream novel with a wonderful touch of uncommonness and the time-traveling and its consequences permeate and affect everything in the novel, from the couple’s relationship to every tiny detail in their lives. It’s a wonderful story about loving someone with a disability, that this disability is involuntarily time-traveling only makes it harder, because neither of them knows what can actually happen, this kind of disability hasn't been diagnosed and there are not treatments and ending somewhere else in time with no clothes, money or ID is not exactly a game either. Things that civilization has "cured", like cold or hunger, become real problems that require very original and fast solutions. Even though I finished the story before leaving for London by the time I got to class and two weeks had gone by I was still hooked enough to draw some fanart for it.
First read: July 2007 (audiobook), before London trip.
*author: female,
#science fiction,
@read in english,